
Showing posts from November, 2014

Cosmic Forest Festival - Coromandel, New Zealand

So grateful to be with the New Race of Man at Cosmic Forest Festival in Coramandel, NZ October 2014. Gave two Divine Clearing Workshops to the Awakened Ones ...  Beyond words ... Just Gratitude to Avidan for his fabulous Fest!


    Dear Animal Com Peeps! The Animal Communication i teach is a culmination of my lifetimes work with animals/owners on many continents. Its still evolving and what gets me up early in the morning! Its why the next 60 years are going to be better than the last 60 years of this Life! Let start with what not to do and why people get physically hurt and  psychically attacked. There is a huge amount of people in NZ not riding their horses because they have been hurt by the horse and are in fear of their safety if they get back in the saddle. Do not capture the animal and drag it to me for "communication/"fixing". This is how people get hurt. Do not put yourself (or me)  in front of animal who has been injured, mistreated, disrespected, treated like a slave  and expect to have a conversation. (Not much is going to flow! You may end up with "vital being attack") Heres what i have found that works ... This is usually interpreted as ...


ANIMAL COMMUNICATION AT SOLSCAPE November 2014  at  Raglan, New Zealand Morning Beautiful NZ people and Animal Lovers! Felt inspired to send the letter below to many. All day NZ time on Sunday 9th at Solscape in Raglan, NZ we are in a Workshop of Animal Communication, and i invite you to send your prayers and requests in writing or through Spirit for all beings on earth and especially the Animal Kingdom theme. I will be asking for help with some trouble spots like Oamaru, NZ and Africa. Much luv and Sparkles to All and Thanx! Y. I always checkin intuitively before a class to see what is needed and to ask for help from the Great Mystery and Animal Kingdom. I asked and there was an big opening this morning from the Animal Kingdom to connect with us in love and safety. Same for us to open to more communication on all levels. Each one of us needs to ask and give permission for what we want to get out of the course,(some will be with us from a distance) as o...