
I get to work with people who are karmically ready to shift paradigms and listen to their true nature with Joy! 

My lovely job is being a spiritual midwife to birth them into a new physical body and spiritual reality.  
Here’s some people who had done all the work spiritually, emotionally, mentally in sessions and we brought them into a new place in time! πŸ’š☘️πŸ’•

Thank you.
You are a wonderful teacher and guide. I appreciate your help and presence so much. I think I knew you were there for me before I even reached out - that's a great feeling to have.
Just spoke to Betsy in the south island which was also a wonderful help. I think you have bought us together in a way that otherwise may have taken us a long time to find this closeness.

"I have Yvonne to thank for bringing me out of extremely painful times.  
I’ve generally suffered quite a lot in the past from pain in various joints and have been to god knows how many different specialists to look at various problems but no-one has ever known what was wrong with me. 
It was February last year and my RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) had got so bad that I wasn’t sure who to turn to or what to do. I couldn’t sit at my computer at work any more and thought I might have to leave my job.
 I could barely sleep at night the pain was so bad. I’d been to see joint specialists acupuncturists, osteopaths, naturopaths, you name it, but no-one was helping. If there was a pain scale I’d say I was at the 95% mark.

A friend recommended that I went to see Yvonne, so I thought a different method of healing was worth a shot seeing as nothing else was working. 
It was the best decision I ever made.
 I had a one and a half hour session with the lovely Yvonne. 
I walked into the room and briefly told her what the problem was and an hour and a half later I walked out of the room and said goodbye to all that pain there and then.
 Just like that. 
Yvonne has a real gift and I would recommend to everyone and anyone to go and see her. I went from a 95% pain level that was on my mind every minute of every day to these days feeling a bit of pain every now and then. 
Life has completely changed for me since then – (trying here not to sound cheesy) my mind and my body are free to enjoy whatever comes my way without having pain in the way." - Betsy, Auckland

🌸 "Was great meeting you after hearing so much positivity from Betsy. You're a very special lady! Thanks so much for our session." - Kate Joseph

"Yvonne is a true healer! I came to Yvonne in a pretty bad state, recovering from thyroid cancer & associated surgery & treatment. 
I was suffering headaches all day everyday, feeling nauseous, toxic and completely depleted.

 I feel as if Yvonne has helped to put me back together...I feel better than ever before! 

Vibrantly healthy, happy, energised, at peace...I feel brand new! 

From my first session with Yvonne, profound shifts began to occur and I've continued to feel better and better.
 It has amazed me how totally powerful & effective Yvonne's method of healing has been-it has felt like a true miracle in my life. I feel blessed to have crossed paths with Yvonne. Thank You." - Kristin 
"The Crystal Child phenomenon certainly gave me another perspective on how to embrace our wee man and reinforced a lot of our own initiatives in how to  nurture him. Just wanted to say thank-you!" - Lucy

🌸 "Horses brought Yvonne into our lives, a friend learning techniques from Yvonne was visiting our grazing and I was fortunate to have my horse treated by Yvonne. I also found myself lying on the grass receiving a treatment, I was suffering a mystery illness, and soon after that treatment was diagnosed with Graves disease. 
Yvonne continues to help me in overcoming this. A recent treatment of a new horse was spot on in picking up on past traumas that animal has suffered, without any previous knowledge of her past she hit the nail on the head time after time.
 The horse's gratitude was the most significant I have ever seen in all my 30 years of horsing, she had alot to chew over, it was clear she was experiencing a significant clearing. She offered us her front right hoof that she had been lame on several times. 
She is a hot type of horse, that enjoys her cranio sacral treatments, and is a whole lot more centered and balanced for it. 
I am very grateful that Yvonne visits regularly and that when she is not in the area she is only a txt away from sending us divine healing." :-)

Marion Keyes endorsed Yvonne in her book POSTCARDS FROM THE BED ... a funny story about Marion's treatment with Yvonne in Dublin, Ireland during 1999. Read more here.

You can read an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Postcards from the Bed below:

"The following day, I had an appointment at the Harvest Moon
Centre with Doctor Yvonne Murphy, who works in  tandem
with Danielle.  She's a  fully  qualified  chiropractor  of   the
conventional medicine kind, but with a difference. She doesn't
just fix  your  gammy  back, she  'realigns'  your  spirit  as  well.
Most  of  us  are  'out  of  balance' - our male / female  sides  are
skewed or  our  right brain/ left brain balance is  off,  and  once
we're back in balance, it'll 'heal sexuality and bring heightened
awareness and  awake mind, body and spirit' .
The   Harvest  Moon  Centre  - like  the  place  the  night
before  - was  full  of  surprisingly  normal-looking  people:  a
blonde  woman  in  a black  trouser-suit with  an  umbrella was
emerging from  having her chakras realigned, a man with the
short, tight curls and meaty build of  a rugby player was off  to
the flotation  tank for  a session.  He jerked his  thumb towards
the  tank  and  casually asked  the receptionist,  'I'll just hop  in,
will I?'
Yvonne took me into  a therapy room  and  within seconds
she  had  discovered  the banjaxed  bit of  my  neck.  The top  of
my spine points slightly to the right and I had always thought
it  was  that  way  because  I'd  got   mild  whiplash  while  on  a
rollercoaster in Alton Towers. But Yvonne's assessment of it
was  that my right-brain was working overtime  and  my  left­
brain  was  basically  sitting  around,  slumped  in  front  of  the
telly, watching Oprah.
She says that our back problems are a map to our  emotional
and spiritual states. Men mostly come to her with lower-back
problems, which means  their base  chakra - which correlates
to  survival  issues  like  careers  and  finances - is  giving them
Her   language,  like  Danielle's,  is  mystical  - the  chakra
hit-rate per sentence is high. If you were in any way sceptical
you  might  be  moved  to  be  scornful and  Yvonne  is  wryly
aware that this is the case. Not that she seems to care - if  you
could  bottle  her serenity  you'd'  really  be  on  to  something.
Besides, as  she  numbers  hard-nosed  business  people  among
her clientele, she can afford to ignore the sceptics. Accountants
and  lawyers  come  to  her to  get their  analytical  left-brain  to
stop bullying the artistic right-brain. Even more intriguingly,
greyhound and racehorse owners employ her  to work on their
animals.  In  fact,  she  treats  more  racehorses  than  she  does
human beings!  And somehow I  can't imagine the  horsey set
standing for  any nonsense i f  they weren't getting results.
Up  on  the  couch  I  clambered. At  the  best of  times I 'm a
massage junkie - call it hands-on healing ( Yvonne does) or  call
it massage, but I love it. With her focus on my neck, skull, face
and spine, she twiddled and rubbed me, and it was blissful.
After about twenty minutes of pressure, she told me that my
right-brain and  left-brain  were  more  in  alignment.  Honesty
compels me  to  admit that I  didn't feel  anything that I might
describe  as  a  shift,  but  I  didn't  care.  I felt  so  good  I  was
floating,  and my only regret was that I hadn't  been more out
of  alignment to begin with, because the treatment would have
gone on for longer ... "

"I am amazed for Yvonne's experience and knowledge. She has taught me lots of things to practice with my children and family. She has released a pain that I had for more than 3 years in my lower back .
 She is absolutely amazing.
 It's worth it. Try it and you will feel the difference." 
- Lilian Andrea Bjorck

"Yvonne is a lovely person with a real gift - I always come away from her sessions feeling refreshed and full of well-being!
 I do recommend you try for yourself if you're experiencing health concerns, it's surprising how many different issues she can help with." 
- Latesha from Raglan Coconut Yogurt, NZ.

Thank you.
You are a wonderful teacher and guide. I appreciate your help and presence so much. 
I think I knew you were there for me before I even reached out - that's a great feeling to have.
Just spoke to Betsy in the south island which was also a wonderful help. 
I think you have bought us together in a way that otherwise may have taken us a long time to find this closeness.
Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert

“Yvonne has the gift of healing to myself and the whole family.
She has improved the health of my family, the harmony and improve behaviour problems in my children. 
She relieved a Chronic pain in my lower back. 
She emphasises in how the mind and body works, nutrition, psychology and holistics. 
She is really amazing!!!” June 6, 2013

Top qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity (from Linked In!)
“I hired Dr. Murphy to assist me in transitioning from one career to another and again to aid me in developing a new relationship, which resulted in my engagement to a kind and loving man. 
This would not have happened without her helping me to shift my consciousness. I also utilized Dr. Murphy to help me with my fear of riding, a difficult horse and in letting go of two particular situations - one relating to money and one to past trauma.
 In each case I have felt an immediate change and I have been given the help I needed. 
Sometimes it is her casual comments that have the most impact - like when she told me I would not be entering Canada in May - and she was right. 
Another was to mention soon after I had met her that a very happy and long standing relationship I was in would dissolve. 
Right again. She also predicted me moving to America. While I pay her to help me resolve blockages in my life, her psychic insights constantly amuse and amaze me.” May 25, 2014

Dr Yvonne Murphy is a beautiful soul, whose work is helping to heal the world around her.
She has a wonderful energy and a lovely way about her. 
I have seen Yvonne on several occasions and she has helped to clear old patterns of relating with my husband, which were not helpful for either of us in our relationship.  
The Divine Clearing is easy to receive, and works really quickly.
I highly recommend her!!!" 
Sonia Voldseth, Life Coach, NZ.

Thanx Chrystal Nathal for the kind words ...
You are working from the heart and guided by the divine, I really felt this in India when we were on our tour to pray in the temple xox 
Your mind is on healing not on money, this makes your work so pure

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