
Remote Chiropractic and Cranial 
help the physical to recalibrate and heal.
Do you want to raise your spiritual calibration?

Connect with the Great Mystery, a power greater than yourself that has real Power?

Are you heart-centered? (Spiritual calibration 400+?)

We ask the Higher Powers to help us to clear the Pain Body, so we can connect in Compassion and Joy!

Remote sessions may include Family Constellation, where we release any family inheritance that's not for the Highest Good.

If you believe it then you will see it, so help can be given from the Highest Powers to believe in Miracle Healing being gentle and perfect for you!

They say that one emotion can fuel a 1,000 different thoughts, so clearing the emotional body in remote sessions helps the mental and physical to come right!

Remote cranial and chiropractic are gentle methods of allowing integration and dissipation in the nervous system and subtle layers!

We do not focus on the problem but spend most of the time in the health and the solution in remote sessions!

Are you ready for these services and More?

FACETIME or WhatsApp? (353)894545306

 IRELAND WhatsApp (353)894545306

WORKSHOPS … the 100th Monkey effect!

                                 From the book "The Hundredth Monkey" by Ken Keyes, Jr. 
            "Thus, when a certain critical number achieves an awareness, 
this new awareness may be communicated from mind to mind".

 Contact Dr Yvonne Murphy for more information. 

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