Horse Tips

Just received this lovely note from Lisa in Oamaru (Nov 2013) ...

Hiya Yvonne. I just wanted to let you know my life has changed for the better in so many ways since your visit. 
Bob is a different much calmer. 
My finances which I've been struggling with has turned around. 
People are seeking me out to work for them and my teaching (riding) has been so busy there are not enough days in the week!!! Thank-you very and hugs Lisa xxxxxxx

Some brief teachings on horses from Dr Yvonne Murphy ... (See testimonial page!!!) ...

Most important for horse and rider is to clear the injury history and the pain body 
        ... working with the unseen makes miracles happen in the seen... 
We clear energetic ties, ancestral weaknesses and the land or home of the horse and rider ...

 Then we use gentle body work and medical intuition to integrate into the body into the new paradigm
 of existence ... 

These skills are taught at the Divine Clearing Horse Workshops ...

 We do followup treatments and consultations by Skype. 

Consultations are possible overseas by sending videos of horse and rider and chatting over Zoom

 ... Happy days for all the Animal Kingdoms!!!!

This is a picture of me with the famous "Horse Whisperer" Buck Brannaman.

He came to teach in Taupo, NZ in 2012.

The Robert Redford movie called "Horse Whisperer" was about his life.

The more recent movie "Buck" is about his life and international travels.

I learnt new skills and got to treat his horse with Divine Clearing!

  • You will speak their language if you breathe in and around their nostrils - they will breathe back to you and lower their head...I was taught to visualize this happening. 
  • Then you are into the system....(that was from Benny the horse whisperer who is in Japan now).
  • When they lower their head or lean into you - these are good signs of their compliance (for want of a better word).

  • Whatever you feel is amplified by them ... so if a trace of fear is palpable in the field then leave the area - say a prayer, get back to neutral and return to the scene...or sometimes if they are particularly overbred/skittish come back later. 

  • The problem with most horses is cranial - they have been pulled around by the nose/mouth (and fallen) and this is an issue. 
  • Cranial/atlas misalignment ... you will notice they cannot run straight if their head/nose is not on straight - they  track by their nose - so it's essential that it is on straight so they are literally not running in circles and lose the race. 

  • Remote and Manual cranial is a breeze with horses - they love it!

  • Their atlas is like a huge saucer/dinner plate and will correct if massaged ... slide hands behind ears and grab the huge saucer, wiggle and Innate Intelligence does the rest. 

  • Spinous processes are HUGE; maybe 6 inches long or more and great levers, and if you massage gently the innate will correct.

  • Most horses need worming - it frees up spine/toxicity levels.

  • Nutrition-wise - CARROTS cure mange and help most things.

  • Adequate CLEAN water is important. 

  • Not being damp helps their overall health.

  • Good to ask the Diva of the Horse Kingdom for permission to enter the Kingdom.

  • Innate intelligence and Horse Diva make the changes needed.


  • Hi from the Interislander ferry heading to Picton ... Such beauty! 
  • Am grateful to be heading to South Island ... Wanted to add a little history on my horse experiences ... Thankyou! During my studies as a Doctor of Chiropractic in the 1980's in Iowa, USA i had some excellent horse adjusting training with a vet who had become a chiropractor as she felt her scope of practice was too narrow. 

  • Her name was Dr Sharon Willoughby and we saw/worked with horse cadavours ... A sure way to learn all the anotomy + physiology + neurology of the horse! My gratitude to her dedication and expertise....
  •  I saw some horses in my 8 years in Madison, Wisconsin ... But a vet referal was needed in the USA so not many horses were treated in the nineties. 

  • Horse work exploded when i moved back home to Ireland + did not need a vet to ok my work on a horse ... I was doing locum for a chiropractor in Limerick and treated a racing greyhound and it won the race after the treatment .... 

  • So i was in the greyhound business when 28 greyhounds showed up at the door for treatment the next day ... My reputation in helping animals to consistently win the race spread to the horse world + for 2 years full time i worked + taught skills and secrets to the racing world in Limerick, Ireland. 
  • During this time i learnt alot about clearing the unseen stuff, as the animals could not talk + tell what their problem was, and the owners did not know the injury/trauma history of the animal: 
  • My work with animals continued, although my work expanded into helping children with speech and learning difficulties ... 
  • My years in India recently with Spiritual Healers has helped to amass more secrets of helping horse and rider to be at their highest potential! ... 
  • I look forward to working with you all in South island and am available for remote sessions , also can do distant Divine Clearing healing and coaching by Skype to anywhere in the world 
  • {this week i gave Skype sessions to USA, Japan, Thailand,France, India and Canada!}


  • Hi from Nelson! Am making my way down to your "Events" on 20th and 22nd April ... 
  • Wanted to add a little on my horse experience ... Was trained in Animal Chiropractic in the 1980's in America, when i was studying for my Doctor of Chiropractic degree, and the work has evolved into a new method called Divine Clearing as chiropractic is too narrow!... 
  • Was known in Ireland in the early 2000's as "Dog Woman" by the Travellers (aka Irish gypsies) ... the travellers are horse people! ... 
  • I was honored (and a little scared!) when they called me out to help foals that would not get on their feet after birth, and other challenging horse conditions that they needed help with ...
  •  I was known as the "Dog Woman" because i helped alot of racing dogs win at the races at the track in Limerick. 
  • They were wild and crazy times when i learnt secrets about treating animals from Benny, an Irish horse whisperer, who lives in Japan now ... 
  • Memories of happy days as i travel down this beautiful country ... C u soon ... Yvonne Murphy
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