Here in India, i am reminded of the need to heal the (my) Mother Wound ... Am including it in Divine Clearing Sessions!
Thanks to Amber Ferguson for her comment
"Great article...think my Mother wound is nicely healed...thinking the work i did with you helped it loads xxxx"
  1. Being more fluent and skilled in handling your emotions. Seeing them as a source of wisdom and information.
  2. Having healthy boundaries that support the actualisation of your highest and best self
  3. Developing a solid “inner mother” that provides unconditional love, support and comfort to your younger parts.
  4. Knowing yourself as competent. Feeling that anything is possible, open to miracles and all good things
  5. Being in constant contact with your inner goodness and your ability to bring it into everything you do
  6. Deep compassion for yourself and other people
  7. Not taking yourself too seriously. No longer needing external validation to feel OK. Not needing to prove yourself to others.
  8. Trusting life to bring you what you need
  9. Feeling safe in your own skin and a freedom to be yourself.
So much more…
INDIA PHONE (91)9677867709 NOW!


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