YOU CANNOT DIE YOU HOLY SON! From A Course In Miracles?

With much love and respect the words have been coming to "clients" that its time to wake up! Lol! Knowing that I am only talking to myself! Its time to share the eternal beauty and freedom of a near death experience 40 years ago in words,
up until now I have brought the knowing that I am not a body and cannot die to sessions, 
and now its time to share the certainty that I am not a body and cannot die and neither can you in conversation! This brings us into a meditative state of Truth where miracle healing happens on all levels.
It brings us to the state of Divine Clearing where the small self vanishes and all is healed!
Which is what we need if there's an "apparent" problem on any level. So that's what I am referring to in sessions when I say
"ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!" See you on Zoom for more Joy and Happiness of our true nature, remote chiropractic and cranial included! SIGN UP HERE OR EMAIL FOR DIVINECLEARING SESSION on Reports from happy peeps here ,,,


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