Since I was a teenager I started feeling like something was wrong with me even though I knew there was no reason or direct trauma that had caused it. 
Or at least that I was aware of. 
None the less I have always been willing to try therapy to adress my fears and try and dig a little deeper to fin answers. I have tried counselling, hypno therapy, NLP, chakra therapy, meditation retreats and alot of reading to try and adress my flaws and feeling that there is something deep Down that needs to be uncovered or release. 
After months seeing a counsellor recently and getting to a point of understanding that I am who I am flaws and all I had given up on trying to uncover the past trauma. Sometimes when you are not looking is when you find.
 I Live in Lahinch, Ireland and I was looking for some Chiropractic treatment for some hip and back problems that have been recurring for the last year. So after a Google search Yvonne's Divine Clearing business pin came up so I gave her a call and left a message.
 When she returned my message It became clear that this was not the traditional chiropractic treatment I was seeking but something quite alternative that involved clearing negative energy and releasing the story so that energy can flow and the body can heal. 
I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I was cautious and slightly sceptical. 
However I had read enough, seen enough and met enough people who have had amazing results from remote energy work.
 So I went into our session with an open mind and a clear intention.
What unfolded over the next hour or so was the most powerful and energetic experience of my life. Deep emotional energy and generational trauma was allowed to rise up an be released. 
A strong picture of the past present and future became clear to me. 
During the second half where the energy work was the strongest there was energy charging throughout my left side and Yvonne was able to sense the left side energy being weaker but it was Not long before my entire body was pulsing with what I could only describe as a euphoric flow of electrons throughout my body. 

The result of this session was an increased gratitude for my mother and parents for giving me life doing the best they could and a massive release of the burden of generational trauma that has been hidden and suppressed over hundred of years.
 I was blown away with how effective this kind of remote energy work is and am very eager to have a follow up session.
 I feel like all the times I sought therapy in the past the ego got in the way because of being in the room, distracted and full of expectations that were never going to be met. 
With Yvonne and her remote divine clearing the Ego had no chance to get in the way of the life force that connects us all and is there to help heal and cleanse us at any time we are ready to welcome the healing process to begin.
 I would Highly recommend working with Yvonne to anyone and everyone.
Jared in Lahinch, Ireland.


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