Thankyou Michelle Clarke

If you have any other areas to add reviews please add mine!!!! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
When Yvonne walks into a room her presence fills it up with light and love slightsmile emoticon
Yvonne and I had three sessions which helped me tremendously physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally!!
First Yvonne walked me through some emotional blocks I was having.
We did an exercise that released me from my childhood trauma that was stopping me from being able to recieve love fully. This exercise helped improve the relationship with my mother which I am so very thankful for!!!
I was hit by a truck going 55 mph while standing on the side of the road ten years ago and also had another serious car accident that affected my neck shortly before that.
Yvonne could tell my problem areas without me even saying a word. She was very gentle while she worked her magic. It felt as though there was stream of healing energy flowing right to the problem areas and then flowing right through me while she was releasing and healing all of my old wounds.
The pain and discomfort went away, I felt full of energy and so much lighter after our sessions!!
I had a bad knee from my accident that wasnt able to fully extend while standing up straight, after our sessions it can almost fully extend!!!
It has been two months since our session and I am still feeling better than ever!!!!
I highly recommend a session with Yvonne, she radiates love and healing while accompanied with her chiropractic knowledge making her a true healer on multiple levels.
Yvonne has a gift she shares with us, I am very thankful and blessed to have crossed paths with Yvonne on my journey

big thanks to you Michelle, you did all the work, i was just the spiritual midwife  luv yvonne


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