DR YVONNE MURPHY has worked with animals in her USA chiropractic centre in Madison, Wisconsin. Helped racing animals in West Ireland. Is currently working with dogs in South India and is traveling to New Zealand to teach and treat animals soon. India phone (91) 9677867709 now!

             JOIN US AND HAVE FUN SWITCHING ON YOUR TELEPATHIC SKILLS ... Learn principles and secrets to connect with non-humans. No previous experience needed to become fully present and connect with others far away. 
Join us for the morning at Raglan Backpackers, Raglan on Sat June 6th and the afternoon visiting animals in the area.

Do you want to learn to ...
1. Quiet the mind?
2. Practise with real animals
3. Learn a gratitude ritual.
4.Communicate with distant animals
5.Have group discussion with like minded pet lovers.
6.Participate in dynamic interspecies connections
7.Become completely silent and fully present to listen to non-humans?
Please join us and "loose your mind and come to your senses!"
Email divineclearingmassage@gmail.com to book next class/Skype date!
I have 25 years experience as an animal chiropractor/communicator to share with you!


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