Horses and their Homes and Owners ...

Hi from Welly! Have a ticket to the new Hobbit movie today and so excited!
Spent most of the last 2 months on the road in NZ, giving Horse treatments and Clearing their Owners and where they live!
Heres a typical 3-4 hour visit to a Horses Home ...
We ask the Horse Diva for help and permission to enter the Kingdom.
We work in Love and with the Soul/Higher Self.
Often theres some creepy land where the horse does not want to go, or water that is dark grey and horses do not like it.  … so we wander over and ask for help.
Often the horse or owner has energetic attachments, wayward spirits and we stand in Love and they go back to the Light.
Horses and Riders are often full of shaky fear and pain, and thats what they attract! So it has to go!
Injuries are treated on the seen and unseen levels.
My past years as a horse chiropractor allows me share tips to keep health flowing in the body.
Often there a child or a chicken that appears needing help, full of injury … they get treated too.
We clear the unseen around the business and money flow of the farm.
Hubby often gets relieved of his bad back too.
Years of biodynamic cranial work is valuable past experience with helping horses … Head is engine of the car and must be free. Theres a domino effect of health that flows down the body as pressure comes off the nerves and CNS.

We continue for 3-4 hours, usually have a nice cuppa and snack to allow the land to recover from Maori hexes, curses given to the place when people where hung in the trees or at war years ago.

Thats all in a regular days work of Divine Clearing, i learnt some skills in India when i worked with village children in an assassins village … Hey when your whole village is in the caste of killing people full-time … theres some pretty nasty stuff hanging around. (Back to the assassins village on the 23rd.Dec!)
The cost for these services which create an ongoing effect of miracles for the horses and land and kids … ONE OFF VISIT $495 or ONGOING FOR 6 MONTHS UNLIMITED CLEARINGS (handy for getting a business thriving, dealing with fertility issues, bringing abundance to family forwards (future generations) and backwards (ancestral limitations)... for $1,000 per month (Total NZ$6,000)

Would love to do more, so let me know, i only take 5 ongoing farms/families at a time and have a waiting list … Overseas no problem as the Great Mystery does all the Clearing from a distance!

Off for a dip in the sea at Oriental Bay, Welly, then movie … Life is good! Hallelujah!


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